Open Access Publishing
The following is a list of publishers who grant Open Access publishing discounts to Haifa University faculty.
Major Publishers
Corresponding authors affiliated with Haifa University may publish their articles open access with no APC charges in a list of Elsevier hybrid journals.
The publisher offers a 10% discount on APC cost of publications in GOLD (Fully Open Access) titles.
The list of hybrid titles in the agreement.
The list of GOLD titles.
Springer Nature
corresponding authors affiliated with Haifa University are eligible to publish their articles open access with no APC charges in Springer Nature hybrid journals.
List of eligible journals (Excel file).
Information about the agreement and author guide can be viewed here.
Taylor & Francis
The publisher offers Open Access publishing with no APC charges in their hybrid journals.
Title list (Excel)
Information about the agreement can be found here
Find more about Taylor & Francis author services
Wiley grants Open Access publishing with no APC charges in their hybrid journals.
Title list (Excel)
Additional information for authors:
Author Services Website
Additional Publishers
ACM – Association for Computing Machinery
Authors affiliated with Haifa University may publish Open Access in all ACM journals and Proceedings.
Submission and Author processes can be viewed here.
Cambridge University Press
The publisher offers Open Access publishing with no APC charges.
The list of Cambridge University Press journals included in this agreement is posted on Cambridge's site.
To get the full list write Israel under "Country/Territory of your institution:" and choose University of Haifa.
A brief description of the Open Access publishing process with Cambridge can be found here.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
Open Access publishing with no APC charges in these journals:
Genes & Development - ISSN: 1549-5477
Genome research - ISSN: 1549-5469
RNA - ISSN: 1469-9001
Learning & Memory - ISSN: 1549-5485
Molecular Case Studies - ISSN: 2373-2873
10% discount on journal APC for Haifa University researchers.
MDPI Science
The publisher grants an Open Access program discount of 10% on journal APC
Several MDPI journals are under investigation.
We recommend that you verify each journal's credibility before article submission.
Corresponding authors affiliated with Haifa University may publish their articles open access with no APC charges in a list of Oxford hybrid journals.
The publisher offers a 15% discount on APC cost of publications in GOLD (Fully Open Access) titles.
The list of hybrid titles in the agreement.
Open Access publishing in about 900 Sage hybrid titles for only GBP 200. Faculty members affiliated with Haifa University will be notified about this option during article submission. Upon approval, the article will be transferred for OA publishing.
Additional information on SAGE Site.
For Title lists under the agreement look at Humanities and Social Sciences Package and Science, Technology, and Medicine Packages.
CC OA License options
Locating journals for publication
A tool to facilitate locating journals for publication by subject, ranking and Open Access funding options.
For more information please contact Neta Strelski-Waisman, head of the Subscriptions and library acquisition department. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.