From web search to full text in one click.

Libkey Nomad

The library is happy to offer a new service, which enables access to full texts from anywhere.
LibKey Nomad plugin provides quick and easy access to digital content that the library subscribes to, regardless of location or the way the information retrieval method. If the library does not have a subscription, the plugin checks for free access versions of the requested content or directs the user to order the item through inter-library loan service.
Link to the LibKey Nomad plugin page
Contents of foreign-language periodicals

Installation directions:
Open the browser in which you would like to install the plugin
Enter the following site:
Select the correct browser icon, click on the install button (Add to browser)
Choose Haifa University from the list and you are set to go.

More links link to install the plugin in your browser:

Chrome, edge, brave


Manual.  Short video

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