Services for Visitors

Use of Library Collections and Services

Entrance to the Library is free. Most of the collection is open shelf; In some cases, advance coordination is necessary. Library Policies and Procedures (in Heb.)

Use of the Library Catalog and the Index to Hebrew Periodicals is free. Access to other electronic databases is limited to the university's community (except for walk-in users).

We advise visitors to conduct a preliminary search before coming to the library, to verify that the materials required are available.

Visitors who need assistance in searching for materials are welcome to make use of our reference service, offered in reference desks in the library. The service is provided for a 40 NS fee. It includes searching the Library Catalog and the Index to Hebrew Periodicals.

Credit card payment for reference services for library daily visitors.

Computers and Wi Fi

Visitors from Other Universities

Post graduate students and staff from other universities in Israel, as well as Open University students (at all levels of study) are entitled 
to borrowing rights, provided they submit a letter of guarantee from their home institution library. Such an arrangement entitles the user to the following privileges:

- The right to borrow up to 5 items simultaneously, subject to any loan

- conditions set with regard to the various collections.

- Ordering books via the Library Catalog.

- Access to electronic databases.

Free reference services.
- Interlibrary Loan Services, which enables ordering books, theses and photocopies of items that are not available in our library, from other

libraries in Israel and abroad (this service is provided for a fee).

Subscription to Library Services

Visitors who are interested in making frequent use of the library's services are welcome to purchase a subscription at the Circulation desk located near the entrance to the library. Subscribers are entitled to the following privileges:

- The right to borrow up to 5 items simultaneously, subject to any loan

- conditions set with regard to the various collections.

- Ordering books via the Library Catalog.

- The service includes searching for materials in the Library Catalog and the Index to Hebrew Periodicals.

- Interlibrary Loan Services, which enables ordering books, theses and photocopies of items that are not available in our library, from other

libraries in Israel and abroad (this service is provided for a fee)

-  Home Delivery Service, which enables you to order scanned articles and receive them by e-mail (this service is provided for a fee)

library pictures

© 2025 University of Haifa - the Library, all rights reserved / 199 Aba Khoushy Ave., Mt. Carmel, Haifa. POB 3338, 3103301 / Contact us / 972-4-8240289
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